Changing Where And How People Work
Embrace The Unconventional
Break The Corporate Shackles
Driven by a desire to enjoy what we do, and do it well, finding fun in everything we do. Over the years we have intrinsically developed an unconventional culture, laughter is serious business, it is something we are proud of. Our mission is to create a space that inspires and encourages employers to be the best they can and bring out the best in their teams.
Joanna Stroud
What’s your superpower?
I’m a Mummy! With two rascals I’m a platinum medal winner when it comes to multitasking. Whether it’s simultaneously managing work, household chores and finding time to play with my children, I was born to juggle!
What additional superpower would you choose?
Freeze time! There are never enough hours in the day and I need more sleep! If I could freeze time I could clear my inbox, sort out junk in my loft and sneak in an afternoon snooze!
Who is your favourite superhero? \
Wonder woman! There is a feminist that lives in my house I wonder who?
Guy Stroud
What’s your superpower?
I’m always first on the scene! I’m number one for rallying the troops on a morning in my household, coffee is made, poured and served with military precision and school uniforms inspected.
What additional superpower would you choose?The ability to fly! Caribbean paradise here I come!
Who is your favourite superhero?
Some may dispute that Batman’s lack of magical powers prohibits a superhero title, but I applaud his unstoppable determination, genius-level intellect, and peak human conditioning as marital arts master.

Get In Touch
Be inspired, be the best you can and bring out the best in others. Whatever your needs are, we’d love to hear from you.